Maximising Your Tax Return: 5 Deductions You Need To Know About

Maximising Your Tax Return: 5 Deductions You Need To Know About

06 February 2019

One of the best ways to bring your taxable income down (hopefully into a lower personal tax bracket) is by being aware of all the deductions you can claim. It may even reward you with a larger tax return.
Here are just a few simple ways you might be able to claim personal tax deductions on your income.
Donations to charity
Charity donations are a great item to claim, and they can really add up over the year. To claim, the donation or gift must meet the following guidelines:

  • The organisation has Deductible Gift Recipient status
  • The gift or donation provides no material benefit to yourself (i.e. you do not receive anything in return)
  • The gift is over $2
  • You have a written receipt for the donation
  • The donation must come in the form of either money or a financial asset

Travel expenses
Travel expenses - particularly vehicle costs - are another great way to claim a deduction, providing that you’ve used your vehicle for eligible, tax-deductible purposes.
Claimable vehicle expenses may include:

  • Depreciation on your vehicle
  • Registration costs
  • Insurance costs
  • The running and maintenance of your vehicle (such as fuel and servicing)
  • Travel from one workplace to the next
  • Travel to other work-related sites (such as clients’ premises)

To make vehicle travel claims, either a logbook must be kept for twelve weeks detailing dates, times, odometer readings and destinations; or you can claim 68 cents per kilometre for a maximum of 5,000kms per vehicle per year.
Work-related expenses
General work-related items that may be claimed can run into the thousands, so long as they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • The item is essential for work purposes (such as a tradesperson’s tools)
  • The item is required for health and safety reasons (such as sunscreen if working outside, or safety goggles)
  • The item is for training or education purposes (such as a course)

Running your business from home
Not only does working from home have the advantage of being able to work in your pyjamas, but there are a myriad of ways you can claim expenses, regardless of whether you’re working full-time or part-time. These include:

  • Furniture and appliances (such as computers, desks, chairs and mobile phones)
  • Phone calls from either a landline or mobile phone
  • A portion of your monthly internet bill, as well as utilities (e.g. gas and electricity)

Work clothing
If you’re required to wear a specific uniform or article of clothing, you may be entitled to claim it. However, this is only if:

  • It is work-specific and compulsory to wear (such as high-vis)
  • It has a logo or is registered with AusIndustry
  • It is only worn for work-purposes, during work times
  • It is required for health and safety reasons (such as a hard hat)
  • It is specific to an occupation (such as a nurse’s uniform)

For more advice on what you can claim at tax time, contact one of the team at AR Advisors today. 

Maximising Your Tax Return

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